Here are some links to resources you might find useful. If there is a site or resource you think I should include, please get in touch!
My Collaborators
You might be interested in some of the work done by my collaborators:
Looking to Get Hands-On Research Experience?
Students at the University of Essex may be interested in the following opportunities to get more research experience.
Useful Resources for Undergraduates
Andy Luttrell runs a fantastic blog dedicated to teaching people about Social Psychology called Social Psych Online - Be a People Expert
JASP is a free software program for conducting statistical analyses (similar to SPSS)
Michael Bernstein posts tutorials about statistics on his YouTube channel
YouTube channels like Crash Course and Khan Academy can be great for both psych and non-psych related questions
Useful Resources for Researchers
David Kenny's website tools and resources for all your dyadic data needs
G*Power is a great tool for calculating power and sample size
Jin Goh and his colleagues put together a really useful excel sheet for calculating small meta-analyses, accessible via Jin's OSF page
The International Association for Relationship Research (IARR) offers a variety of resources for new scholars interested in relationship science
The Society for Personality and Social Psychology has a list of resources including funding opportunities and stats help
The Association for Psychological Science has resources related to student funding, methods, and career development
Preparing for the job market? Karen Kelsky (The Professor is In) has tips for maximising your competitive advantage and Jennifer Polk (From PhD to Life) has tips for people looking to transition out of academia
Useful Resources for Teaching Psychology
The Society for the Teaching of Psychology has a variety of resources including example syllabi and Professional Development Services