For my complete list of publications, please refer to my departmental website or Google Scholar page.
Lamarche, V.M., Seery, M.D., Murray, S.L., Kondrak, C.L., Saltsman, T.L. and Streamer, L. (accepted). Lovers in a dangerous time: Ecologically motivated relationship safety regulation. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.
Lamarche, V.M. (in press). Interdependent transformations: Integrating insights from relationship science to advance post-traumatic growth and personality change research. European Journal of Personality.
Lamarche, V.M., & Rolison, J.J. (2021). Hand-in-hand in the golden years: Cognitive interdependence, partner involvement in retirement planning, and the transition into retirement. Plos one, 16(12), e0261251.
Murray, S.L., Seery, M.D., Lamarche, V.M., Jung, H.Y., Saltsman, T.L., Griffin, D.W., Dubois, D., Xia, J., Ward, D.E., McNulty, J. (2021). Looking for safety in all the right places: When threatening political reality strengthens family relationship bonds. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 1193-1202.
Alexopoulos, C., Timmermans, E., Sharabi, LL., Roaché, DJ., Croft, A., Dorrance Hall, E., James-Hawkins, L., Lamarche, V.M. & Uhlich, M., (2021) Settling down without settling: Perceived changes in partner preferences in response to COVID-19 concern. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38, 1901-1919.
Murray, S.L, Lamarche, V.M, Seery, M.D., Jung, H.Y., Griffin, D.W., & Brinkman, C. (2021). The Social-Safety System: Fortifying relationships in the face of the unforeseeable. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120, 99–130.
Saltsman, T. L., Seery, M. D., Ward, D. E., Lamarche, V. M., & Kondrak, C. L. (2021). Is satisficing really satisfying? Satisficers exhibit greater threat than maximizers during choice overload. Psychophysiology, 58, e13705.
Lamarche, VM., (2020). Socially connected and COVID-19 prepared: The influence of sociorelational safety on perceived importance of COVID-19 precautions and trust in government responses. Social Psychological Bulletin, 15, 1-25.
Lamarche, V.M., Atkinson, C., & Croft, A. (2020). A cognitive uncoupling: Shifting relationship interdependence following a masculinity threat. Social Psychology & Personality Science.
Lamarche, V.M., & James-Hawkins, L. (2020). It happened to a friend of mine: The influence of perspective-taking on the acknowledgement of sexual assault following ambiguous sexual encounters. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Lamarche, V.M., Seery, M.D., Kondrak, C.L., Saltsman, T.L., & Streamer, L. (2020) Clever girl: Benevolent sexism and cardiovascular threat. Biological Psychology.
Lamarche, V.M., & Seery, M.D. (2019). Come on, give it to me baby: Self-esteem, narcissism, and endorsing sexual coercion following social rejection. Personality and Individual Differences, 149, 315-325.
Murray, S.L., Seery, M.D., Lamarche, V.M., Kondrak, C.L., & Gomillion, S. (2019). Implicitly imprinting the past on the present: Automatic partner attitudes and the transition to parenthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [abstract]
Murray, S.L., Lamarche, V.M., & Seery, M.D. (2018). Romantic relationships as shared reality defense. Current Opinion in Psychology, 23, 34-37.
Murray, S.L., Lamarche, V.M., Gomillion, S., Seery, M.D., & Kondrak, C.L. (2017) In defense of commitment: The curative power of violated expectations in relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113, 697-729. doi: 10.1037/pspi0000102.
Gomillion, S., Murray, S.L., & Lamarche, V.M. (2015) Losing the wind beneath your wings: The prospective influence of romantic breakup on goal progress. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 5, 513-520. doi:10.1177/1948550614568160 [pdf]
Lamarche, V.M., & Murray, S.L. (2014) Selectively myopic? Self-esteem and attentional bias in response to potential relationship threats. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 5, 786-795. doi:10.1177/1948550614532377 [pdf]
Gomillion, S., Lamarche, V.M., Murray, S.L, & Harris, B. (2014) Protected by your self-control: The influence of partners’ self-control on actors’ responses to interpersonal risk. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 5, 873-882. doi:10.1177/1948550614538462 [abstract]
Murray, S. L., Gomillion, S., Holmes, J. G., Harris, B., & Lamarche, V. (2013) The dynamics of relationship promotion: Controlling the automatic inclination to trust. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 305-334. doi:10.1037/a0030513 [abstract]